David Wheeler

Product Strategy and Design Specialist

Case Studies


Merchant Accounts

Enhanced UX & added additional payment methods for OneCause's Merchant Accounts.

Heuristic Evaluation
UX Strategy
Agile Sprint
Desktop UI

Vitality Fitness

Develop effective UX and business strategy for gym business growth and sustainable brand establishment.

UX Strategy
Desktop UI
Business Strategy
Comprehensive Overview

Enhancing Sponsors

Linking sponsors of non-profit organizations to a company or individual.

Product Strategy
Agile Sprint
Problem Solving
Desktop UI

Son Foundation

Mobile design for a non-profit in Indianapolis which houses cancer patients.

Bootcamp: 2021
Real World Case Study
User Interviews


Expanding Liberate’s desktop experience to a mobile marketplace.

Bootcamp: 2021
User Research

Sporty Ventures

Internship creating wireframes based on user personas, competative analysis, and style guide.

Internship: 2021
Information Architecture


Upcoming: Projects at OneCause. SaaS, Agile, B2B and B2C design for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Product Design

David Wheeler

David sitting down smiling


I'm David!

Product Strategy and Design Specialist.

I'm extremely passionate about creating satisfying designs which solve complex problems. In both my education as an Engineer and in my roles in Digital Product Strategy, I've continuously designed solutions which achieve the optimal balance between business goals, technical feasibility, and a positive user experience.

Professional Services
  • user experience logo
    User Experience

    Design around a deep understanding of users, what they need, what they value, their abilities, and also their limitations.

  • user experience logo
    UX Strategy

    Develop a comprehensive product blueprint that takes into account target user needs and diverse design principles.

  • product design logo
    Product Design

    Help brands make successful products. Optimize for user experience while achieving business goals on the market.

  • user research logo
    User Research

    Study and collect data about users needs, behaviors, and preferences in order to inform the design of products or services.

  • user logo
    User Interface

    Easy and intuitive user interface, requiring a user's minimum effort to receive the maximum desired outcome.

  • web design logo
    Web Design

    Design the look and feel of a website using design principals and knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

  • product life cycle logo
    Product Life Cycle

    Oversee a product through its life cycle: brainstorming, development, introduction, growth, maturity and stability, etc...

  • web design logo
    Information Architecture

    Design an intuitive structure which allows easy and quick access to information and ability to perform intended actions.

Let's connect

Get in touch for opportunities or to follow my work